Check out these books from Blue River Press
Blue River Press has more than 100 books and e-books in print and is distributed nationally by Cardinal Publishers Group.
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Do You Remember When…?
Celebrities, such as Elvis Presley, are people we like to remember such as public figures who make their mark on society. They can be a point of discussion among friends and family. We remember them whether we experienced their life first hand, watched them in a movie, followed them in current events, or read about them in articles or books. With this new Do You Remember…? Series from Blue River Press you will be taken back to the good ol’ days when life may have been a little simpler, probably very different, and definitely with less technology. As many of us love to remember celebrities and events that have previously happened, we at Blue River Press have just what you need to suffice that love.
Gift Ideas that Keep Giving
When it comes to giving and receiving gifts, there is one classic that stands the test of time. A book. When one opens the pages of a print book, one discovers information and uncovers knowledge they did not have before. If you are looking for a few gift ideas that...
A Treat for Halloween: Zombies, Vampires, and the Jersey Devil
We offer you a treat for Halloween: zombies, vampires, and the Jersey Devil. These are the perfect books to share stories, fun, and games with friends and family while roasting hot dogs and s’mores around the campfire.
For the Yankee Fans Library
When you love a baseball team, you love to know more and more about them. The following books are perfect for the Yankee fans library and belong on your shelves. Have a glimpse of what you are waiting for.
Creature of Folklore or Evasive Monster?
As a story can be enriched by the one telling it, details will change, but the one thing that is constant with the residents of Pine Barren is the legend of the creature. It regularly terrorized communities in south Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania, and then returned to its lair somewhere in the Pine Barrens.
Creature of folklore or evasive monster? You decide.
Mariano Rivera: From Panama Fishing Village to World Series Champion
Mariano Rivera has led a life that is full of adventures, conquests, victories, and humanitarian outreaches. You can read about his start, his baseball career, and where he is today in All About Mariano Rivera by Jorge Iber and Raquel Iber published by Blue River Press 2020. Included in the contents you will find quotes, a glossary, timelines, and an index. Pick up your copy to day here or wherever fine books are sold.